I am now officially updating our Mason blog!! I guess it should be our family blog - since Mason is now officially part of the family, it can be about all of us, but focus on Mason's progress and milestones. He is continuing to thrive and make us laugh on a daily (hourly) basis. He walks and runs more steadily all the time, and doesn't fall as much as he used to - though he always has a bruise or two on his face from when he does fall. He has a special brace that we put on him at night and then tighten to force his knee to bend. Of course he hates it, and within an hour or two he is crying and saying "stuck" until we take it off. He definitely doesn't like to wear his "stuck". He is utilizing the bend in his left knee more all the time, he doesn't automatically straighten it as often as he used to. Now we just have to get him to bend it past a 90 degree angle. The doctor said he is able to, it is just so stiff, and he is used to his leg being straight. Anyway, progress is slow and sure. The other day a very sweet little girl at the nursery at the gym was playing with Mason when I went to pick him up. She came up to me with very big and concerned eyes and asked me why two of his fingers were a little bit cut off. She was very worried. It was so sweet. When I told him he had been born that way she seemed very relieved. Oh, and speaking of digits, Mason had the funny little digit removed from his ankle. I took him to a dermatologist to remove it, thinking it was a weird skin tag. They told me it was a supernumerary digit - an undeveloped little finger. He actually had to have surgery to remove it - with anesthesia and everything. It was kind of a weird-looking little protrusion, now just a little scar. It all went very well, I love Gillette Children's Hospital. Mason is so full of energy - I am going to have to find a preschool for him next year. When the kids go to school in the mornings, he looks at me like "really, for real it's just me and you!" There has been a time-out stair designated and utilized at our house; Baby can throw a mean fit, but the stair seems to be working!! I take him to the library sometimes - but I keep getting in trouble at the library because he gets the little kid cart and then runs maniacally to the front door trying to escape with a cartload of books. He has made it out the front door once while I was in the kid section unaware of his escape. Good parenting. I think I'm still just getting used to toddler busyness. He also loves grocery shopping, he sits in the little car that's hooked up to the cart and acts like he's king of the world. He will even sit back and prop his feet up on the steering wheel and put his hands behind his head - it is so funny!! People just stop and laugh when they see him in the little car. All in all, never a dull moment with our new little cutie.
Ha! Picturing him trying to escape from the library with the cart, gives me the giggles. That is so cute! He is so cute! I'm jealous that Spencer will get to see you in 2 weeks...update your blog more often, it's fun to read what's going on with Mason and the Family! Have fun with Spenc!
ReplyDeleteWell it's about time! I can't believe how big he is getting. You should stop by and say hi sometime.
ReplyDeleteCourtney B.