Tuesday, August 4, 2009

great news!!!!!

Hello all! Today was the much-anticipated visit to Gillette Children's Hospital to see a pediatric orthopedic specialist. The news couldn't be better. His knee and leg will eventually be fully functional with some orthotics and physical therapy!! At this point he will not need surgery, though as he grows and develops his foot might need some extra work. He was diagnosed with amniotic band syndrome; while he was in utero bands of tissue came loose from the uterus and wrapped around his body in different places, casuing the displacement of his feet and leg and the fusing of two fingers and toes. The casting in China successfully straigtened out his legs and feet, now we just have to get the muscles and ligaments to loosen up and to also kind of re-mold the bottom of his left foot, it is a little bowed, like the bottom of a rocking chair. He starts physical therapy next week, I can't wait to get him going, this kid wants to walk on his own so badly, he gets so frustrated that he can't get everywhere he wants to. When we first accepted his referral, based on the pictures, the doctor that looked at his file said there was only a 10 percent chance that he would walk. Thank heavens doctors don't know everything!!! He will walk and run and do anything he wants! He is also missing his left kneecap, I forgot to mention that. Jim and I are so happy and grateful, what a wonderful day!!!!!!


  1. Hi, Charise: This is Pam from your travel group, the one from Minnetonka. I happened upon your blog via Courtney's. Anyhow, hey. So glad to hear Mason's prognosis! That is just wonderful. We are taking Maddie to Shriners on August 31, so we'll know more then about what she has in store. Maddie has adjusted so well, we just can't believe it. She and her sister Isabel are having a ball and scaring all our cats with their giggling and screaching. Anyhow, just wanted to say hello!

  2. He is adorable. So happy that all he needs is Physical Therapy. Our thoughts and prayers are with you constantly.
    The Maryland Hansen Family

  3. He is such a cutie! I am still jealous that he went to Mike and not me. He was so cute in church on Sunday. I love hearing him make noises and laugh. What a guy!

  4. 10 percent chance? Gah! I love it when they are so optimistic! Seriously, thank goodness they don't know everything!

  5. yay! you could tell in China that Mason was going to walk no matter what anyone told him! so happy to hear your good news.
