Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I am now officially updating our Mason blog!! I guess it should be our family blog - since Mason is now officially part of the family, it can be about all of us, but focus on Mason's progress and milestones. He is continuing to thrive and make us laugh on a daily (hourly) basis. He walks and runs more steadily all the time, and doesn't fall as much as he used to - though he always has a bruise or two on his face from when he does fall. He has a special brace that we put on him at night and then tighten to force his knee to bend. Of course he hates it, and within an hour or two he is crying and saying "stuck" until we take it off. He definitely doesn't like to wear his "stuck". He is utilizing the bend in his left knee more all the time, he doesn't automatically straighten it as often as he used to. Now we just have to get him to bend it past a 90 degree angle. The doctor said he is able to, it is just so stiff, and he is used to his leg being straight. Anyway, progress is slow and sure. The other day a very sweet little girl at the nursery at the gym was playing with Mason when I went to pick him up. She came up to me with very big and concerned eyes and asked me why two of his fingers were a little bit cut off. She was very worried. It was so sweet. When I told him he had been born that way she seemed very relieved. Oh, and speaking of digits, Mason had the funny little digit removed from his ankle. I took him to a dermatologist to remove it, thinking it was a weird skin tag. They told me it was a supernumerary digit - an undeveloped little finger. He actually had to have surgery to remove it - with anesthesia and everything. It was kind of a weird-looking little protrusion, now just a little scar. It all went very well, I love Gillette Children's Hospital. Mason is so full of energy - I am going to have to find a preschool for him next year. When the kids go to school in the mornings, he looks at me like "really, for real it's just me and you!" There has been a time-out stair designated and utilized at our house; Baby can throw a mean fit, but the stair seems to be working!! I take him to the library sometimes - but I keep getting in trouble at the library because he gets the little kid cart and then runs maniacally to the front door trying to escape with a cartload of books. He has made it out the front door once while I was in the kid section unaware of his escape. Good parenting. I think I'm still just getting used to toddler busyness. He also loves grocery shopping, he sits in the little car that's hooked up to the cart and acts like he's king of the world. He will even sit back and prop his feet up on the steering wheel and put his hands behind his head - it is so funny!! People just stop and laugh when they see him in the little car. All in all, never a dull moment with our new little cutie.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The cutest baby ever!

Hi everyone! I can't believe it has been this long since I posted. These pictures aren't the best - I am so technologically challenged I am lucky I figured out how to post these. Mason is doing so well, he walks better every day and is even running now - though he definitely falls down his share. In nursery at church today they played ring around the rosy and he was so excited that everybody had to fall down, he couldn't stand it! Now we have to play it at home and fall down for him. He is very good at falling down with us! He sleeps way good - 11-12 hours a night - YES!! The kids play with him non-stop when they are home, it is so nice - they aren't tired of him yet! He had a very cranky period when 12 teeth were coming in at once - 12!! It is so nice to have him happy again. He loves Elmo beyond words and will sit motionless and entranced for an entire episode of Sesame Street. I try not to take advantage of that too much! He still loves noodle soup more than anything - he slurps the broth through a straw and then eats the noodles. We are getting ready for our 6-month post-adoption visit from a social worker - more paperwork - and getting him a MN birth certificate and Social Security number. Just getting out all the files and looking at the paperwork from the whole adoption made me slightly nauseous - what a mountain of stuff we slogged through. All worth it in the end!!! WE are getting so excited for Christmas and having everyone together again and having our first Christmas with our WHOLE complete family. Mason has an appointment at Gillette Children's in January - they will assess his progress and recommend any further interventions he might need. The doctor told us before that whatever surgeries or braces he needs, he will be fully functional! He hates his physical therapist, but she is good at dodging his angry fingers trying to pinch her while she bends his knee. We are working on the pinching and he also has a wicked throw, which can really hurt if it a block or pointy toy. At least he kisses us better. Enough rambling!!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

We have a walker!!

This week Mason started walking - really walking, not just taking a few steps. It is kind of a gimpy little walk, he drags his left let a little, but it gets better every day! We are faithfully doing the exercises that the physical therapist gave us and his leg gets more flexible every day. Our poor cat has more trouble getting away from him all the time, he is becoming a hermit cat, only coming out when Mason isn't around. He says new words all the time, but his favorite words are thank you and Bo (our dogs name). He loves to yell at the dog regularly. He loves to sit on DJ's lap while DJ eats, sharing his food with his big brother. I think he missis being around lots of other little kids because whenever we get around any other kids he goes nuts laughing and yelling. We are so grateful and blessed to have this little boy in our house, some days I can't believe he is really here!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

great news!!!!!

Hello all! Today was the much-anticipated visit to Gillette Children's Hospital to see a pediatric orthopedic specialist. The news couldn't be better. His knee and leg will eventually be fully functional with some orthotics and physical therapy!! At this point he will not need surgery, though as he grows and develops his foot might need some extra work. He was diagnosed with amniotic band syndrome; while he was in utero bands of tissue came loose from the uterus and wrapped around his body in different places, casuing the displacement of his feet and leg and the fusing of two fingers and toes. The casting in China successfully straigtened out his legs and feet, now we just have to get the muscles and ligaments to loosen up and to also kind of re-mold the bottom of his left foot, it is a little bowed, like the bottom of a rocking chair. He starts physical therapy next week, I can't wait to get him going, this kid wants to walk on his own so badly, he gets so frustrated that he can't get everywhere he wants to. When we first accepted his referral, based on the pictures, the doctor that looked at his file said there was only a 10 percent chance that he would walk. Thank heavens doctors don't know everything!!! He will walk and run and do anything he wants! He is also missing his left kneecap, I forgot to mention that. Jim and I are so happy and grateful, what a wonderful day!!!!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hello, just a quick Mason update, and I think I will try to actually post some pitures. Am I a technologically savvy person or what!! Mason is doing so well. He sleeps all night (thank HEAVEN!!) and he eats like a champ..he loves drinkable yogurt and hot dogs. He also loves Dad's famous scrambled eggs. He will eat almost anything if I pull out his little blue Tupperware chopsticks that I bought in China and use those to feed him. We took him to the International Adoption Unit at the U of M to have him checked out. They were very pleased with where he is at physically and developmentally. They said he is right on track for any 17 month old. He has his appt at Gillette Children's hospital with a pediatric orthopedic specialist next week. Our Relief Society gave him a baby shower on Saturday and it was so cool, it was Chinese themed. He got lots of clothes which were definitely needed. It was also great seeing everyone, I don't get out much these days. Mason hates his car seat, I don't think he's ever ridden in one till now, being confined and unable to move around just generally irritiates him! We are so grateful every day for this new blessing in our lives, Karly said the other day that she loves him dearly even though he can be very annoying! There you have it!