"We picked up Mason yesterday (Sunday) evening. At first he would only come to me, and was suspicious of mom for a couple hours! But we finally got back to the hotel, gave him a nice bath, and mom rubbed lotion all over him. That did it. He is SO cute! He is super active, and talkative. His little left leg has some orthopaedic issue that makes it bend funny, so we have a little cast he has to wear a few hours a day (he hates it) and we will have some work to do with specialists when we return. Right now (Monday, 6am) he is still sleeping (he fell asleep at 9:30 - takes after DJ!). Today we get to spend a few hours with Chinese authorities to finalize their end of the adoption and get baby's passport.
Visiting China has been interesting to say the least. You can't drink the water, so you boil it or use bottled water. We have the benefit of having a guide to take us everywhere we go. We haven't been too adventurous with eating. The hotel does a nice western-style buffet for breakfast, and for dinner we have found McDonalds, KFC and Pizza Hut - almost like home, but Pizza Hut offers weird toppings like tuna and squid."
Put pictures up!!